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Schlagwort: Antidot

Leitlinie „Assessment and Management of Acute Opioid Toxicity in Adults in the Emergency Department“ des RCEM & NPIS

Zusammenfassung der Leitlinie „Assessment and Management of Acute Opioid Toxicity in Adults in the Emergency Department“ des Royal College of Emergency Medicine & National Poisons Information Service aus dem April 2024

Leitlinie „Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Injury – Part 1 – Initial Response to CBRN Agents“ des JTS

Zusammenfassung der Leitlinie „Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Injury – Part 1 – Initial Response to CBRN Agents“ des Joint Trauma System – Department of Defense Center of Excellence for Trauma aus dem Jahr 2018