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Schlagwort: Guideline

Leitlinie „Management and Transfer of Patients with a Diagnosis of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysma in a Specialist Vascular Center“ der RCEM

Zusammenfassung der Leitlinie „Management and Transfer of Patients with a Diagnosis of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysma in a Specialist Vascular Center“ der Royal College of Emergency Medicine aus dem Jahr 2019

Leitlinie „The Investigation and Determination of suspected Psychological Maltreatment of Children and Adolescents“ der APSAC

Zusammenfassung der Leitlinie „The Investigation and Determination of suspected Psychological Maltreatment of Children and Adolescents“ der American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children aus dem Jahr 2019